Photobooth Finder

Operator Spotlight: Rob from Snap Decision Photo Booths

Operator Spotlight: Rob from Snap Decision Photo Booths

In this installment of the Operator Spotlight promotion where we find out more about the people who run the photo booth companies that bring so much fun and hilarity to weddings, parties, corporate events and school formals around Australia we meet Rob Steffen from Snap Decision Photo Booths.

Rob and his photo booths mainly service the Wollongong/Illawarra region of New South Wales but also Sydney, Canberra, Batemans Bay and Nowra. Rob is no newcomer to the industry having been around for five years which shows his dedication to what is arguably the best industry around, all bias aside of course!


When was the first time you can remember being in a photo booth?

A friend, Kurt, had a 30th birthday party in Wollongong and hired a photo booth for the night. It was a great night, complete with jazz band, free bar and some great entertainment.
Shortly after arriving I noticed that many of the ladies were over on one side of the room - my partner Helen and I sauntered over and were amazed by the props selection next to the photo booth! I felt the photo booth experience was really made by the props selection. The booth was so popular that night that I decided I would research this as a business idea, and today I enjoy providing a fun, generous range of props at all events.

Snap Decision Photo Booths Rob SteffenHow long have your been a "photo boother" and what made you decide to become one?

Snap Decision is going into it's fifth year now in the Wollongong / Illawarra area. I find that you catch people at their best, dressed up, in good spirits and looking to enjoy themselves, it really doesn't feel like work at all.

Is there one photo booth hire you have done that has stood out above all the rest and why?

I've seen a lot of things - nudity, proposals, even a growling Rottweiler inside a photo booth! but I can honestly say that every event we have ever done has been unique, special, memorable. I have heard a few dodgy speeches in my time though!

What do you believe it is about your photo booth hire business that sets it apart from your local competition?

I am fortunate that we are able to work together with our competitors - they're all very professional and we all work hard to keep it a very supportive environment - but I know without a doubt that customer service is our strength at Snap Decision. Everybody that enquires wants to be treated with the utmost of respect, and wants to know that their ideas and needs are being listened to and addressed. I think being a part-time high school English teacher has helped me to run a business where communication is top-notch.

If you weren't a photo booth operator what would you be doing?

I have a lot of jobs. I've performed over a thousand shows singing in bands around the world and have worked with INXS, Deep Purple and a plethora of Australia's top musical icons. In my new project Mellow D, think "Maroon 5, Smooth music, Duets, Acoustic for Weddings" we have just begun to book our first shows in wineries and the corporate space. 
I'm also a teacher, run other businesses and have two handsome young boys (life is never dull!). And if I wasn't doing this? I think I'd start another business...or have a go at being a professional card player at the casino...

Who in your opinion has the most fun in a photo booth kids or adults, boys or girls, men or women?

Women. For the first three hours, anyway. After that it is definitely men. From the fifth hour footballers are forever raiding my feather boas and sequined hats. What's up with that?


Thanks to Rob for taking the time to chat with us about being a photo boother and understand a little more about why he loves to bring the fun. If you are after a fun photo booth to hire in Wollongong, Sydney, Canberra, Batemans Bay or Nowra be sure to check out Snap Decision Photo Booths.


CLICK HERE to enquire with Snap Decision Photo Booths Today!


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(Photo Booth Blogger: Justin Jowett)


About Justin Jowett

Justin is the Founder of Photobooth Finder and a serial photo booth blogger. Whilst no longer running PBF he is still involved in a consultancy capacity helping new owner Tom Hirst.

He is also the Organiser of the Australian Photo Booth Expo "BoothCon". He also owns and runs "Booth Cover" Australia's only dedicated photo booth industry insurance business. Previous to this he ran a successful photo booth hire business of his own in Brisbane from 2010 - 2014 and is well known and respected in the Australian Photo Booth Industry.

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